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Sacha Baron Cohen - genius method actor or a**hole on set?

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작성자 India Trowbridg… 댓글 0건 조회 12회 작성일 24-08-29 02:19


deadline.pngEven Sacha Baron Cohen's wife says he can be difficult to live with when 'in character' on a film set.

And now the Cambridge-educated British star behind characters such as Ali G and Borat is embroiled in a Hollywood feud over his alleged behaviour, in a clash of egos between two intensely committed yet very different big screen performers.

Australian actress Rebel Wilson, his co-star in 2016 movie flop Grimsby, has gone public with accusations about his antics - branding him a 'massive a**hole' and accusing him of trying to block her forthcoming memoir.

She has been no stranger to controversy herself, fighting defamation cases and boasting about a stunt which took aback another British actor Tom Hardy.

Both Wilson, 44, and 52-year-old Baron Cohen - said by his wife Isla Fisher to obsessively bring his characters such as Borat and The Dictator home with him - have traded claims and counter-claims eight years after they worked together.

Rebel Wilson has spoken out about a co-star she branded a 'massive a**hole' as she prepares to bring out her new memoir Rebel Rising

Sacha Baron Cohen and his actress wife Isla Fisher, pictured here at a screening of the Oscars in Sydney in April 26, have been married since 2010

Rebel Wilson, centre, and Sacha Baron Cohen, manhua - go to this website - right, appeared together in 2016 movie alongside Mark Strong, left

Rebel Wilson and Isla Fisher were pictured together at the Los Angeles premiere of the film Bacholerette in August 2012

Former Home And Away star Fisher told ITV show Lorraine in 2016: 'Obviously the kids get very confused - when they were tiny and The Dictator would be holding Elula, it was very strange.

'You have to live with the handlebar moustaches, the mohawks - you live with everything, the costumes.' 

She has also said: 'I cannot tell you how embarrassing he is in social situations - to him, there's no difference between the awkward gaffes he deliberately makes as a comic and the terrible faux pas he innocently commits as my husband.

'I would like to think Sacha is putting in rehearsal time for all those hilarious gaffes his characters make in movies. But I'm by no means certain that's why he does it - I don't think he can help himself.'

Baron Cohen, born in Hammersmith in west London, was educated at private schools before reading history at Cambridge, including a focus on anti-Semitism.

During his time at Christ's College, Cambridge, he wrote his thesis on the role of Jewish activists in the US civil rights movement.

Wilson also went to an independent school, Tara Anglican School for Girls in Sydney, where she was a boarder before graduating from the University of New South Wales in 2009 with Bachelor of Arts (Theatre and Performance Studies) and Bachelor of Laws degrees.

She initially wanted to work as a lawyer before opting for a career in acting, first studying at the Australian Theatre for Young People then moving to the US where she trained with the Second City improvisational comedy troupe in New York. 

Fisher, 48, also appeared alongside her husband in critically-panned Grimsby - released in the US with the name The Brothers Grimsby - though it was Wilson playing his character Nobby's girlfriend Dawn, mother of their 11 children.

Wilson has previously spoken about bad experiences with an actor she did not identify but who prompted her to adopt a new 'no a**holes' approach when choosing projects to work on.

She went on to say she had faced legal action over comments about a difficult working ordeal, ahead of her memoir Rebel Rising's release next week.

And she has now told her followers online: 'I wrote about an a**hole in my book. Now, said a**hole is trying to threaten me.

'He's hired a crisis PR manager and lawyers. He is trying to stop press coming out about my book. But the book will come out and you will all know the truth.'

She said of ahead of her book's publication: 'I worked with a massive a**hole, and, yeah, now I definitely have a no-a**holes policy. Chapter one said a**hole — it is chapter 23, that guy was a massive a**hole.'

Baron Cohen and Wilson played boyfriend and girlfriend Nobby and Dawn in the film Grimsby, released in the US as The Brothers Grimsby - including this scene shot in Cape Town

Isla Fisher has previously told the Lorraine show how her husband Sacha Baron Cohen confuses their three children when he comes home as one of his controversial characters

Isla joked that one of Sacha's characters The Dictator was particularly confusing for their middle child, daughter Elula - he appeared in the role in the film back in 2012

Rebel Wilson has accused Baron Cohen of trying to block her new memoir Rebel Rising 


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